About Us
Chelsea Neighbourhood House (CNH) had its early beginnings in the mid 1970s, on Broadway in Bonbeach, and became incorporated in 1988. In 2004 CNH relocated to 15 Chelsea Road, Chelsea and became Longbeach PLACE Inc (LBP).
‘PLACE” is an acronym for Professional, Local, Adult Community Education.’
In 2024 a motion was passed at the 2023 AGM to formally change the name from Longbeach PLACE to Longbeach Learning and Activity Centre, as voted by the staff, Governance Committee and the community. The new name was unanimously agreed to be more reflective of our purpose and the services we provide our members.
Who we are

Longbeach Learning and Activity Centre (formerly Longbeach Place) works closely with a broad cross-section of local residents and community groups in Chelsea, creating an inclusive environment within the City of Kingston and its neighbouring suburbs. LLAC Inc. responds to community needs by providing a range of structured educational programs, social activities, and special interest support groups. The programs and activities are developed through community consultation and are delivered by qualified facilitators and/or volunteers, who provide practical opportunities for lifelong learning skills development, wellbeing, and social activities.
LLAC Inc’s central location, close to public transport, also makes it a convenient option for facility hire for the local community.
The LLAC Inc. funding stakeholders include the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP), the City of Kingston and Adult Community Further Education (ACFE). In the past LLAC Inc. has also received funding from philanthropic organisations and government grants.